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Black Hole

Black Hole

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Nr. d'article: C0N001
Temps de livraison: disponible

UVP 59.90 EUR
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Eat More Than Ever Before & Help Indirectly Add Lean Mass!

Eat; It's what all the guys in the gym tell you to do. If you want to get big there is no shortcut, no easy way out. You need to eat and you need to eat a lot. Most people find it hard to consume more than a few thousand calories per day. There is a good reason for that; your body uses hormones to tell your brain "stop eating, you already have enough calories for now". You try to stuff yourself even more but you end up feeling sick; again it's the hormones trying to physically make you stop at this point. These hormones are acting in most people's best interest: people who are obese and do not exercise. However if you are eating clean and you are using all of these calories then it's not helping you in any way, shape or form. What if there is a way to effectively stop these hormones from keeping you from eating, from your goals and dreams of packing on quality lean muscle mass? Now there is. Black Hole from Controlled Labs uses naturally occurring alkylamides to fool the brain into believing that you haven't eaten enough calories and you need more food. Sound good? Then read on...

Key Attributes:

  • Fast Absorption/Fast Acting
  • Eat More Than Ever Before
  • Helps Indirectly Add Lean Mass
  • Legal, Safe, and Effective for Both Men and Women
  • Stimulate Metabolism to Reduce Body Fat
  • Natural Digestive Aids for Increased Calories
  • Also Acts as a Natural Joint Supplement

Non-Psychoactive Cannabinomimetic Alkylamides Complex:

Everyone knows that marijuana makes you hungry. So how does an athlete or bodybuilder increase their appetite naturally without having to deal with an illegal drug? Well, if there were a chemical that was physically similar to the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, then it could potentially activate the same receptors and elicit the increased hunger response. There just so happens to be a group of alkylamides that act as cannabinomimetics and mimic cannabinoids in structure and bind to their receptors, the CB1 and CB2, which are part of the G-protein-coupled-receptor group. These receptors are located in the brain and around the body. They are in charge of many different functions.

The next step was to look for herbs that contained these alkylamides that mimic the structure of cannabinoids. The two herbs that showed the greatest promise were Echinacea Purpurea and Spilanthes Acmella. Both of these herbs contain many different alkylamides, but recent clinical information has shown that there are 3 in particular that have a high affinity for binding to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10Z/E-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide and dodeca-2E,4E-dienoic acid isobutylamide from the Echinacea herb and undeca-2E,7Z,9E-trienoic acid isobutylamide from the Spilanthes herb, found in a precise blend in Black Hole, could be used to mimic the herbal cannabinoids found in marijuana, and more importantly, the endogenous cannabinoids found in the human body, including anandamide. Not only does the clinical information show that they can mimic them, but they can even bind to the receptors for a longer period of time than can the other two types. This means that Black Hole will help produce hunger stimulating effects potentially greater than anything you have experienced before.

The oral bioavailability of these alkylamides has also been shown to be extremely high in human studies, so they will make it to the receptors without getting degraded by the gastric juices and/or the liver. Now that you are hungry and have begun stuffing your mouth with tons of protein and good carbohydrates, what is your body going to do with all of those calories….

Digest-It-All Complex:

It wouldn't be in your best interests to create a huge appetite and not have the ingredients to help you digest all of those extra calories, which is why we included the Digest-It-All complex in Black Hole. Digest-It-All will not only soothe the gastrointestinal system, but will also help you produce more gastric juices to accommodate the increased calories and food mass. Humulus Lupulus, otherwise known as hops, that is typically used in the manufacturing of beer, helps the stomach produce a larger volume of gastric juices that aid in digestion. Why push yourself so hard in the gym only to look like you have a beer belly due to bloating? You deserve the physique you work so hard on, which is why we added Clavo Huasca and Cayaponia Tayuya to the formula. They both aid in digestion and in the expelling of extra gas from the intestines. Giant Knotweedl has also been added as an anti-oxidant. These two powerful anti-oxidants will help scavenge free radicals that can result from greater food consumption. You asked for it and now you have it, the first and only appetite stimulator supplement on the market, Black Hole!

usage recommendé


Take 2 capsules 30-45 minutes prior to your workout. If you weigh in excess of 225 pounds increase your dosage to 3 capsules. Take with at least 2 glasses of liquid.


  • Humulus Lupulus. Auch wohl Hopfen genannt (in der Tat, Hopfen vom Bier!) stimuliert es den Körper mehr Magensäften zu produzieren. Diese extra Magensäften sind essentiell für die Verdauerung des zusätzlichen Essens.
  • Clavo Huasca und Cayaponia Tayuya sind der Formel von Black Hole zugefügt um die Verdauerung zu stimulieren und den Aufbau von Magengasse zu verkleinern. Niemand will ja mit einem aufgeschwollenem Gefühl herumlaufen.
  • Zimt ist für optimalen Stuhlgang und als zusätzliches Antioxidans hinzugefügt
  • Knöteriche ist auch als extra Antioxidans hinzugefügt. Beide sorgen dafür dass die zusätzliche Menge Essen maximal verwirkt wird und das Immunsystem verstärkt wird.
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